Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Madeline Island Sunset

Madeline Island 2014

Madeline Island

Island 2015 - Madeline Island Marina

Island 2013 - Madeline Island Ferry Just Outside Bayfield Wisconsin

Island 2013 - Madeline Island Museum

Island 2013 - Adventure Vacations

Island 2011 - The Cottages

July 2011

Island 2010 - Tommy's Burned Down Bar

Island 2004 - Joe and Dale at The Beach Club

Island 2018 - Cigar Time

July 11, 2018

Island 2018 - Lori's

Island 2018 - Beach Club

Island 2018 - Farmhouse

Friday, July 20, 2018

Island 2018 - Second Trip Fourth Day: Cornucopia

Friday, July 13, 2018

Stopped at the Wayside in Cornucopia, WI so Athena could pee. Checked out some of the old fishing boats.

Island 2018 - Second Trip Fourth Day: Departure

Friday, July 13, 2018

Barely made it on the 9:00 ferry to begin the trip back home. Due to some humongous oil rig type thing taking up about a third of the boat we just squeaked on board. They had to angle me just so and couldn't close the back all the way. I was the last car to make it on.

Island 2018 - Second Trip Fourth Day: Last Full Day

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Last full day on the Island for the summer. Great trip and will miss having such easy access to Dale!

Island 2018 - Second Trip Fourth Day: Winding Down for the Day

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Dale made salmon open faced sandwiches for dinner. We then took Athena out for her final walk of the evening. 

Island 2018 - Second Trip Fourth Day: Feeding Athena

Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Dale came home from work as I was feeding Athena out on the deck.

Island 2018 - Second Trip Fourth Day: Cigar Time

Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Cigar time.

Island 2018 - Second Trip Fourth Day: Grandpa Tony's

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Went to Grandpa Tony's for lunch. I got the BLT. I love the bread they use which is made on site.

Sat inside as opposed to the rooftop. Nice view of the lake which looked pretty despite the lack of sun.

Island 2018 - Second Trip Fourth Day: Smells

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Gloomy day today however that didn't stop Athena and me from taking some nice walks.

She's so intrigued by all the different smells up here. Many more animals than in the city I'm sure.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Island 2018 - Second Trip Fourth Day: Noise

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

At around 9 a.m. this morning it sounded like someone started a semi-truck in Dale's backyard. I glanced outside and noticed the sound seemed to be coming from the building across the way. Well, the "semi-truck" was very loud and ran for about an hour. I don't think the amount of noise is any different than any other year so I'm not sure why I'm so sensitive to it this visit. Maybe because I'm trying to pay a bit more attention to my own self care than usual. I just find it odd that the noise in this town is louder that what I experience in my own city neighborhood.