Sunday, July 15, 2018

Island 2018 - Second Trip First Day: Storm Clouds Gathering

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Dale and I had supper at the Beach Club. I ordered the shrimp basket and he had the whitefish. Molly, my favorite bartender mixed me up a brandy Old Fashioned.

Mom had left me a message to call my brother Pete because he had some exciting news. When we finished eating I called him from the restaurant to get the 411. Turns out he has a business partner and they're going to work on opening up a brewery! I offered him my congratulations. Pretty exciting although to me it seems somewhat scary as I don't have an entrepreneurial bone in my body. Good on him though.

Sunny, hot, and humid when I arrived on the Island. By the time Dale and I left the restaurant storms were moving in as you can see in the above picture taken on our walk home.

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