Monday, July 27, 2015

Madeline Island 2015: Second Trip Day 3 - Last Day

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Coffee with Dale on the porch this morning. After he went to work Warren and I headed to Mission Hill for coffee. I had not one but 2 blueberry muffins. I got Warren on the 10:30 ferry. I headed to the Beach Club for old-fashioneds and lunch (fish sandwich). Walked over to Grandpa Tony's for a chocolate peanut butter swirl ice cream cone. Dale and I packed and had frozen pizza for dinner. Not exciting, yet a very restful day. 

Madeline Island 2015: Second Trip Day 3 - Wisconsin Old-Fashioned

Saturday, July 11, 2015

A Wisconsin old-fashioned from the Beach Club. They make 'em real good.

Madeline Island 2015: Second Trip Day 3 - Beach Club

Madeline Island 2015: Second Trip Day 3 - Sunset

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Madeline Island 2015: Second Trip Day 3 - Dale at Sunset

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Madeline Island 2015: Second Trip Day 2 - Ashland

Friday, July 10, 2015

The main drag in Ashland is quite charming.

Madeline Island 2015: Second Trip Day 2 - Buddies

Friday, July 10, 2015

In Ashland Warren and I stumbled on a place called Buddies for lunch. Fun atmosphere.

Madeline Island 2015: Second Trip Day 2 - Buddies

Friday, July 10, 2015

The food is very yummy at Buddies.

Madeline Island 2015: Second Trip Day 2 - The Steak Pit

Friday, July 10, 2015

Warren and I passed through Washburn on our way to Ashland. I've always liked The Steak Pit's sign so I had Warren stop so I could get a snapshot. We then drove down to the lakefront which is just off the main drag and where the restaurant sits. It looks like it's up for sale although I think they're still open for business. The sign stated that the owner is looking to retire. I'm sure they do a pretty good business as they're located right next to the marina. 

Madeline Island 2015: Second Trip Day 2 - July 10th

Friday, July 10, 2015

Very fun day. Very, very, very, fun day. Warren and I headed over to Bayfield around 10:00 a.m. and managed to hit each and every fabulous store on the main drag. We started at Big Water Coffee Roasters and got some lattes. I stopped in Roxanne's and got a couple of Christmas tchotchkes. I told the owner I collect certain items and that I have enough of them now that they have to be pretty special for me to pick up any more. She said she was honored and wished me a Merry Christmas when I left the store. She's such a lovely proprietress.

Warren was dying to try some wine bread from the Candy Shoppe. We stopped in to see if he could pick one up but they told us they were out for the day. However, they said he was welcome to order one for tomorrow. He chose blueberry for a filling and said he'd pick it up tomorrow on his trip home.

We had talked about going to The Pub for dinner tonight but Warren decided he'd like to cook for us tonight. We stopped by Andy's IGA and he found some ribs he thought would be nice to grill. We figured we'd pick them up before hopping the ferry back to La Pointe. Next we set out to hunt for a rub for the ribs and found a nice one at Sweet Sailing.

Warren thought it might be fun to drive to Ashland and I was willing to indulge him in that. When we got to Washburn he referred to it as Ashland. I informed him of where we actually were but he still thought it would be fun to check out Ashland so we drove a bit further to see it. I hadn't been for a while and was pleasantly surprised at how charming the main drag is. We stopped in some shops including a bulk foods place and a co-op Warren really liked. We then had lunch at a place called Buddies that had a 50s malt shop vibe. The food was delicious. I had a BLT with more bacon on it than I've ever seen on a BLT. The waitress made sure we had plenty of ranch dressing for our fries. I guess that's a thing up here. 

We headed back to Washburn to check out a couple of thrift shops. On on the edge of town had a really cool relish tray that Warren ended up buying.

Back in Bayfield we picked up the groceries and then hopped the ferry to La Pointe. The dinner Warren made tonight was fabulous.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Madeline Island 2015: Second Trip Day 1 - July 9th

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Warren and I caravanned up here today. Dale's going to drive home with me on Sunday. Warren needs to leave Saturday. That's why we drove separately.

We stopped for a late lunch at the Riverstreet Family Restaurant in Spooner, WI. We then made a stope at The Dock Coffee which is just next door. We both got lattes but I got a big piece of Oreo crunch fudge. It was quite awesome. I let Warren have a bite. It was the least I could do.

We stopped again in Washburn at the IGA for appetizers for tonight.

We made it onto the Island by 7:30 p.m. Dale wasn't back from work yet so Warren and I headed over to the Beach Club for cocktails. I had a brandy old-fashioned and Warren had bourbon on the rocks.

Dale Joined us for a drink but then we headed home. Dale grilled brats - first time this summer we've had 'em.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 4 - July 5th

Saturday, July 5, 2015

Beautiful concert last night. The American String Quartet played Quartet #11 in F Minor by Beethoven, Quartet #12 in F Major by Dvorak, and Sextet in D Minor by Tchaikovsky. The concert was at The Clubhouse which has a nice deck around it.  Before the start of the concert I tried to walk out one of the open sliding doors onto the deck but it was dim enough out that although I could see the sliding glass door was open I couldn't see there was a screen covering the open space which stopped me, stunned, in my tracks. A very sweet woman, who was standing nearby waiting for the restroom, asked if I was okay. I told her that, other than being embarrassed, I was fine. "Don't worry" she said, "I've done that before too." I felt better.

Walking home after the concert proved to be rather treacherous. It was dark and the only road back was not well lit. Charlie had a flashlight on his cell phone. I've always wanted to know where to locate it on my cell phone and he said it was an app. I downloaded it and how convenient it is. What a great tool to have. We had a couple of close calls but I think having the flashlight helped.

This morning the 4 of us had coffee on the deck. I offered to walk over to the Island Store to pick up a newspaper. The woman who runs it is still plugging away despite the fact her husband died recently. I guess he was sitting out in front of the store, as he often does, and died while sitting in his chair. 
The folks he was talking too kept talking to him for five minutes before they realized he was dead. Sad to hear. He was quite a town favorite and institution.

Fran and Charlie went to one of the strings concerts given by the camp's students at 11 a.m. I ambled down to The Beach Club at around 1 p.m. for a fish sandwich. I got the trout. After I ordered a couple of old fashioneds at the bar. The same gal was tending bas as Friday. She said she was out of oranges so she substituted Cointreau instead. It worked. Yes, I went for brandy again (When in Wisconsin...).

For dinner Fran and Charlie made steaks. What awesome house guests. They cook, they're self sufficient, they know how to take some time for themselves and schedule some things to do on their own, and, on top of all this, they both have such lovely dispositions! We ate on the deck and chatted for quite a while after after dinner over many things including church and politics (we sparred good naturedly with Charlie). Lovely evening.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 3 - The Fourth of July

Saturday, July 4, 2015

What a fantastic 4th of July. I started my day with coffee on the deck with Dale. I then ventured off to Mission Hill for another blueberry muffin (mission accomplished). Had a nice chat with Fran, Charlie, and Dale upon my return. We hit the 4th of July parade at 10:00 a.m.  It was full of, as it was last year, cheesy, corny, kitschty, sentimental goodness. Afterward the pledge of allegiance was said, the flag raised, the national anthem sung, Common Sense by Thomas Payne read, choir anthems sung, and parade award given. Afterwards we all took a nap!

Fran and Charlie made a fantastic dinner of ribs, coleslaw, fried potatoes, and black beans. Absolutely fabulous. What a load of fun today was. Tonight we're off for the strings concert at the Clubhouse and then fireworks after.

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 3 - 4th of July Parade with Fran and Charlie

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 3 - 4th of July Parade: Gilligan's Island

Saturday, July 4th, 2015

I thought the Gilligan's Island float was loads of  fun. After the parade I found Ginger and Mary Ann and asked if I could have my picture taken with them. They were so sorry that Gilligan and the Skipper had disappeared for the moment and couldn't be in the picture too. They came back about 15 minutes after the first picture with their fellow cast-aways and allowed me to get another photo. Sweet folks. They made my day!

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 3 - 4th of July Parade: Turk's Inn

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Was so disappointed to find out that Turk's Inn in Hayward had closed. Glad to see they still had a presence for the parade.

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 3 - 4th of July Parade: Flag Festooned Jeep

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 3 - 4th of July Parade: Star Wars

Saturday, July 4, 2015

A very colorful cast of characters.

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 3 - 4th of July Parade: MIMC

 Saturday, July 4, 2015
When the Music Camp's float went by (the sign carriers preceded the violins) the woman standing in front of me as I watched the parade cupped her hands to her mouth and kept screaming "Sing, sing!" She finally shut up when she saw the kids playing violin on the hay bales. 

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 3 - Madeline Island Candles

Saturday July 4, 2015

Madeline Island Candles'  location used to be in a small space over by Lori's Store. Although I had always meant to, I'd never been in the old space. Their new location is in a highly visible spot and you can't miss it when exiting the ferry landing. I bought a couple candles this year and they're fantastic. All candles are made of 100% natural soy wax and are hand-poured on Madeline Island. 

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 3 - Mission Hill

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Made my morning trek to Mission Hill for my daily blueberry muffin.

Found this fellow parked outside the coffee shop.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 3 - Tommy's

Saturday, July 4, 2015
Second photo was taken this year but is obviously signage from last summer. It's a perfect example of the concept of island time.

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 3 - 4th of July Morning

Saturday, July 4, 2015

La Pointe, Wisconsin
Early morning on the 4th of July

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 3 - Lupines

Saturday, July 4, 2015

The lupines were a bit past their prime upon my arrival. I'm usually up in June and see them in their early splendor. This patch was still looking pretty good for July.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 3 - Bell Street Gallery

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Bell Street Gallery

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 2 - Muffins, Old Fashioneds, and Fran and Charlie

Friday, July 3, 2015

I started the day with my favorite ever-lovin' blueberry muffin from Mission Hill Coffee. It's the best blueberry muffin in Wisconsin (probably Minnesota too).

Lots of lounging around reading today. Went on my own to the Beach Club. Sat at the bar and ordered and old fashioned (brandy again) and also a chili dog with fries for lunch. The Beach Club bar looks over the lake and I noticed there were a lot more sailboats out that usual - really quite stunning looking on a gorgeous sunny day. I was the only one at the bar so the two gals working it were quite attentive. They were also working hard to make sure their shelves underneath were fully stocked for the onslaught that's going to occur for the holiday weekend. I was surprised it wasn't busier but the gals said they were expecting it to pick up more in the afternoon.

 Tomorrow is gonna be nuts! It's always funny because Dale felt it was so busy today due to his being used to it being so dead here in June. I thought today was just right. It's nice to see a little activity compared to how incredibly quiet it is here prior to July 4th. 

Fran and Charlie made the 2:00 pm ferry. They left their car on the Bayfield side so I met them at the landing to help them carry up their things. The brought up groceries since they've offered to cook for us the next two nights. Tonight we took them to the Pub. Tonight I had the trout and another old fashioned (yes, brandy again). 

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 2 - Cool Ride

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 2 - Chairs

Friday, July 3, 2015

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 1 - Departure and Arrival

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Left today to visit Dale Up North. Had meant to be out of the house by noon but was on the road by 1:45. Coulda done worse, I suppose. I only stopped once between Minneapolis and Bayfield which was pretty good. 

Fran and Charlie are coming up tomorrow for the weekend which is why Athena is in the kennel. Dale thought she might be a little overwhelming for them. 

Made the 7:00 p.m. ferry so I was on the Island by about 7:25. Dale's thinking that by tomorrow they'll be running the ferries pretty much nonstop as it gets pretty crazy up here for the 4th of July holiday.

Dale and I went to the Pub for dinner. We both had the whitefish and it was delicious. I ordered and old fashioned for a cocktail. Our server asked if I wanted brandy in it (the Wisconsin version) but I told her I better start with the familiar and go the bourbon route. For my second one I told her I'd go with brandy. When we left I told her I liked the brandy version better. "See," she said, "You must have just enough Wisconsin in you."