Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Madeline Island 2015: First Trip Day 4 - July 5th

Saturday, July 5, 2015

Beautiful concert last night. The American String Quartet played Quartet #11 in F Minor by Beethoven, Quartet #12 in F Major by Dvorak, and Sextet in D Minor by Tchaikovsky. The concert was at The Clubhouse which has a nice deck around it.  Before the start of the concert I tried to walk out one of the open sliding doors onto the deck but it was dim enough out that although I could see the sliding glass door was open I couldn't see there was a screen covering the open space which stopped me, stunned, in my tracks. A very sweet woman, who was standing nearby waiting for the restroom, asked if I was okay. I told her that, other than being embarrassed, I was fine. "Don't worry" she said, "I've done that before too." I felt better.

Walking home after the concert proved to be rather treacherous. It was dark and the only road back was not well lit. Charlie had a flashlight on his cell phone. I've always wanted to know where to locate it on my cell phone and he said it was an app. I downloaded it and how convenient it is. What a great tool to have. We had a couple of close calls but I think having the flashlight helped.

This morning the 4 of us had coffee on the deck. I offered to walk over to the Island Store to pick up a newspaper. The woman who runs it is still plugging away despite the fact her husband died recently. I guess he was sitting out in front of the store, as he often does, and died while sitting in his chair. 
The folks he was talking too kept talking to him for five minutes before they realized he was dead. Sad to hear. He was quite a town favorite and institution.

Fran and Charlie went to one of the strings concerts given by the camp's students at 11 a.m. I ambled down to The Beach Club at around 1 p.m. for a fish sandwich. I got the trout. After I ordered a couple of old fashioneds at the bar. The same gal was tending bas as Friday. She said she was out of oranges so she substituted Cointreau instead. It worked. Yes, I went for brandy again (When in Wisconsin...).

For dinner Fran and Charlie made steaks. What awesome house guests. They cook, they're self sufficient, they know how to take some time for themselves and schedule some things to do on their own, and, on top of all this, they both have such lovely dispositions! We ate on the deck and chatted for quite a while after after dinner over many things including church and politics (we sparred good naturedly with Charlie). Lovely evening.

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