Monday, July 27, 2015

Madeline Island 2015: Second Trip Day 2 - July 10th

Friday, July 10, 2015

Very fun day. Very, very, very, fun day. Warren and I headed over to Bayfield around 10:00 a.m. and managed to hit each and every fabulous store on the main drag. We started at Big Water Coffee Roasters and got some lattes. I stopped in Roxanne's and got a couple of Christmas tchotchkes. I told the owner I collect certain items and that I have enough of them now that they have to be pretty special for me to pick up any more. She said she was honored and wished me a Merry Christmas when I left the store. She's such a lovely proprietress.

Warren was dying to try some wine bread from the Candy Shoppe. We stopped in to see if he could pick one up but they told us they were out for the day. However, they said he was welcome to order one for tomorrow. He chose blueberry for a filling and said he'd pick it up tomorrow on his trip home.

We had talked about going to The Pub for dinner tonight but Warren decided he'd like to cook for us tonight. We stopped by Andy's IGA and he found some ribs he thought would be nice to grill. We figured we'd pick them up before hopping the ferry back to La Pointe. Next we set out to hunt for a rub for the ribs and found a nice one at Sweet Sailing.

Warren thought it might be fun to drive to Ashland and I was willing to indulge him in that. When we got to Washburn he referred to it as Ashland. I informed him of where we actually were but he still thought it would be fun to check out Ashland so we drove a bit further to see it. I hadn't been for a while and was pleasantly surprised at how charming the main drag is. We stopped in some shops including a bulk foods place and a co-op Warren really liked. We then had lunch at a place called Buddies that had a 50s malt shop vibe. The food was delicious. I had a BLT with more bacon on it than I've ever seen on a BLT. The waitress made sure we had plenty of ranch dressing for our fries. I guess that's a thing up here. 

We headed back to Washburn to check out a couple of thrift shops. On on the edge of town had a really cool relish tray that Warren ended up buying.

Back in Bayfield we picked up the groceries and then hopped the ferry to La Pointe. The dinner Warren made tonight was fabulous.

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