Monday, July 5, 2021

Madeline 2021 - First Trip: Heading Home (Tuesday)

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Coffee on the deck with Dale this morning. Will aim to be on the 9:15 a.m. ferry for departure from the Island. I wish Dale were coming home with me. 

Was in line for the ferry by 8:45. 

Took a picture...

...or two as I waited for the ferry to arrive. 

Stopped at Thompson Hill after getting through Superior. Ran into some very heavy rain just north of Hinckley. It was come down so hard at certain points that the wipers couldn’t keep up and it was really hard to see. Pulled into our alley at 2:45 so including waiting for the ferry and the ferry ride itself it was a 6 hour trip. Not too bad.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Madeline 2021 - First Trip: Muffins, Cigars, and More! (Monday)

Monday, June 28, 2021

I slept like a rock last night and woke up very slowly. Mondays are so much more tolerable when you don’t have to work. 

After Dale left for work and I finished breakfast I took a nice walk into town.

The morning was glorious with blue skies and fluffy clouds although we’re supposed to get a little rain by late morning. 

I picked up a muffin at Mission Hill Coffee but saved it for after I got home. Heavenly as always. 

Rain moved in around 11 a.m. so I read for a while and had lunch. I was hoping to do a cigar early afternoon so the rain was a drag. However, around 1:20 it subsided and the sun came out. I jumped at the chance to light up. 

Sadly, only part of the sky, the part visible from the window, was clear and there was a rain cloud right above me and it started to sprinkle. I couldn’t go inside so instead I grabbed Dale’s umbrella. Thankfully the rain didn’t turn to anything more than a sprinkle and it quit about 20 minutes later. 

Above is my view from under the umbrella I'm holding in the photo previous to this one. The storm was literally right over my head. 

After my cigar I thought I’d grab an Old Fashioned at the Beach Club. When I got there I found it to be closed having forgotten that they’re not open on Monday and Tuesday due to post pandemic issues. The Pub has limited hours as does Grandpa Tony’s and the Farm Table. Cafe Seiche isn’t even open except for take out on the weekend. My understand is that it’s mostly due to post pandemic staffing problems. 

Anyway, after my unsuccessful Beach Club run I noticed Grandpa Tony’s was open so I thought an ice cream cone could work instead of a cocktail. However, as I approached I realized the line was to the door and decided I didn’t want ice cream that badly. 

The candle shop was open so I got a couple of lilac scented ones. 

Dale and I took a nice walk when he got home from work. But when we got home he had to go back to work. One of the things we talked about on our walk is what a drag it is that he has to work so much up here. 

In other news, I saw these sleeping ducks when down by the lake earlier today. Very cute.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Madeline 2021 - First Trip: Rain, Cocktails, and More! (Sunday)

Sunday, June, 27, 2021

Gloomy morning. Got a little rain but Dale and I squeaked in a walk before it started. We made it to Joni’s beach but then turned back when it started to sprinkle a bit. 

Stopped by Bell Street Gallery today. Turns out they’re for sale. Bought a coffee mug. 

Had a Zoom meeting with my brother Sam and his wife Becky and their 3 kids. It was fun to check in. 

After that Dale and I went to the Island Store to pick up some needed items. I found some pre-made cocktails and picked up the Mai Tai version. 

Dale and I sat on the porch when we got back from the store. I had a Mai Tai but he can’t drink since he’s on call. We were going to listen to some music but the landlord decided to mow the lawn. Oh well. 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Madeline 2021 - First Trip: Muffins, Motorcycles, and More! (Saturday)

Saturday, June 26, 2021

After yesterday’s unsuccessful attempt to obtain one of Marie’s marvelous muffins at Mission Hill Coffee I gave it another go today. Success! Muffins happen.

On my morning walk I noticed how overgrown the Madeline Island putt putt golf course is looking. 

It’s like a ghost town. 

Could it be a Covid-19 business fatality?

Dale got home from work around 12:30 p.m. We went to the Beach Club for lunch and were able to have a nice talk about all the stress in our lives.

After lunch Dale had to go back to work. I sat on the deck and lit up a cigar. By the way, he’s back in his old apartment which he hasn’t been in since 2018. In 2019 he was in a cabin on the lake and in 2020 there was no camp due to Covid. That brings us up to the present day. 

Dale came home around 4:00 and took a bike ride while I took a nice walk. While out and about I happened upon a bejeweled car outside Tommy’s Burned Down Bar.

I’m guessing they’ll use it as a float in the 4th of July parade. Here’s a view of the back.

And a slightly more close up version of the front. 

Also, there’s some kind of motorcycle gathering this weekend so motorcycles are parked everywhere.

Dale had to go back to work at 6:30.

While he was gone I got some more walking in and then got cleaned up.

Dale didn’t get home until late. We had a late dinner of pizza and watched Family Guy.

Madeline 2021 - First Trip: Walks, Cocktails, and More! (Friday)

Friday, June 25, 2021

Totally lazy day. Didn’t sleep well last night. So nice to wake up to Dale being around. Did lots reading today but also lots of walking. 

Got hungry around noon so I headed to Island Grocery to see if they had a sandwich but they didn’t so I stopped by Grandpa Tony’s and ordered a BLT to go. It was delicious. 

Lots more reading and walking this afternoon. I took a nap around 4 p.m. due to not sleeping well at all last night. 

Dale got home from work around 5 p.m. and we went to the Pub for dinner. Lots of the restaurants on the Island are open limited hours and seem to be trying to get their sea legs back after the pandemic. I ordered a brandy Old Fashioned but they made it with bourbon. I didn’t make waves due to them being short staffed and somewhat frazzled. 

We took a nice walk after dinner. The house pictured above has been in the remodeling stage since at least 2014. I usually refer to it as the red house since that’s what it used to look like (see picture below from 2014).

Otherwise not an exciting day but restful none-the-less. Also, it’s great having Dale around. We’d been separated for 3 weeks. 

Madeline 2021 - First Trip: Travel Day (Thursday)

Thursday, June 24, 2021

I meant to leave the house at 10:00 a.m. As I pulled out of the driveway the dashboard clock said 10:18. Not bad. Photos above and below taken at the Thompson Hill rest area where construction was occurring. 

Construction wasn’t just happening at Thompson Hill. I’ve encountered more than enough from Minneapolis to Duluth on the roads. I probably shouldn’t complain though because traffic moved steadily through all of it. It probably didn’t hurt that it’s not quite the weekend yet otherwise it might’ve been really bad. 

I ended up encountering some more construction on Highway 2 going through Wisconsin. At one point it was down to only one was and I came upon a long line of cars stopped to let vehicles going the other way through. The wait wasn’t too bad. 

I departed the ferry onto Madeline shortly before 4 p.m. and stopped at the Beach Club for an Old Fashioned. Dale joined me at about 4:40 and we ended up having dinner right at the bar. So very good to see him. 

After dinner we took a nice walk which included Nebraska Row. Gorgeous sunny evening for a walk. We had so much catching up to do. 

Upon arriving home we sat on the deck and watch the sun descend to the horizon. Funny, we watched some campers set up and grill and then build a fire on the lawn across from ours. Didn’t know they could do that. The land and the building on it belong to the phone company so maybe they’re with them.