Friday, July 2, 2021

Madeline 2021 - First Trip: Rain, Cocktails, and More! (Sunday)

Sunday, June, 27, 2021

Gloomy morning. Got a little rain but Dale and I squeaked in a walk before it started. We made it to Joni’s beach but then turned back when it started to sprinkle a bit. 

Stopped by Bell Street Gallery today. Turns out they’re for sale. Bought a coffee mug. 

Had a Zoom meeting with my brother Sam and his wife Becky and their 3 kids. It was fun to check in. 

After that Dale and I went to the Island Store to pick up some needed items. I found some pre-made cocktails and picked up the Mai Tai version. 

Dale and I sat on the porch when we got back from the store. I had a Mai Tai but he can’t drink since he’s on call. We were going to listen to some music but the landlord decided to mow the lawn. Oh well. 

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