Thursday, June 28, 2018

Island 2018 - First Trip Second Day: Mission Hill Coffee

Friday, June 22, 2018

Dropped Athena off at home after are morning walk and then made a beeline to Mission Hill Coffee to pick up a blueberry muffin and a couple of other things. 

In addition to the muffin I also picked up some of my favorite granola that they sell. When paying up Marie asked me to remind her of my name as she remembered me from last year. I told her and reminded her that I was the one to whom she gave the her blueberry muffin recipe to last year. She asked if I made them yet and I told her I'm trying to perfect the recipe so they're as good as hers. She smiled.

I found a book of Minnesota ghost stories that ended up being an unexpected purchase.  Marie told me she's read all the ghost story books she sells. I told her I noticed this one had Bigfoot stories in it as well. She told me they had lots of Bigfoot stories up on Madeline Island. Maybe next time I'll ask her to tell me one.

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