Monday, July 31, 2017

Island 2017 - Until Next Time

I can't believe another season has gone by.

Island 2017 - 3rd Trip 3rd Day: Departure

Sunday, July 23, 2017
River Street Family Restaurant, Spooner, Wisconsin
Uneventful trip back home. Stopped in Bayfield at Big Water Coffee Roasters for a latte and didn't stop again until we got to Spooner where we had a late breakfast at the River Street Family Restaurant. 

Didn't stop again until we had to fill up with gas. 

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Island 2017 - 3rd Trip 2nd Day: Bayfield

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Warren made a delicious dinner last night of steaks on the grill, cole slaw, potatoes, corn on the cob, and more.

This morning we headed over to Mission Hill to get blueberry muffins and coffee. 
Roxanne's in Bayfield
At around 10:30 a.m. we took the ferry over to Bayfield to clomp around. We did some shopping and also stopped at The Candy Shoppe to pick up the blueberry wine bread that Warren and Gary ordered yesterday.

Lunch at Maggie's where I, of course, started out with and Old Fashioned. 
Old Fashioned

Once back on Madeline we all took naps.  After that Gary headed over to the concert with Dale while Warren and I ordered pizza from Grandpa Tony's and picked it up (I had one more Old Fashioned at the Beach Club and Warren had a rum punch while we waited for the pizza). When Dale and Gary returned we ate the pizza while watching The Crown. Blueberry wine bread for dessert. 

Island 2017 - 3rd Trip Day 1: An Old Fashioned Happy Hour

Friday, July 21, 2017
Warren, Gary, and I made good time to Madeline arriving around 5 p.m. Just in time for happy hour. We walked over to the Beach Club. I had and Old Fashioned, Warren had a rum punch, and Dale and Gary had wine. It was nice to see an extra twinkle in Dale's eyes which suggests to me it's sinking in he'll be coming home in a couple days. 

Island 2017 - 3rd Trip Day 1: The Drive In Restaurant

Friday, July 21, 2017

Warren and Gary picked me up around noon to head up to Madeline. On the way, we stopped at The Drive In Restaurant in Grantsburg, Wisconsin for lunch. Yes, the name of the drive in restaurant is The Drive In Restaurant. The decor is 1950s and the food very good. I had a cheeseburger and fries. Warren and I each ordered a root beer float. My understanding is they make their root beer on site. It's pretty awesome. 
I've been driving by their giant root beer mug for years so it was fun to finally stop and check the place out. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 11: Departure

Monday, July 10, 2017

Walk down Nebraska Row with Athena this morning.

Made it on the 10 o'clock ferry, but barely. I think I was the second to last car to get on. 

Athena settled right in as the ferry pulled away. 

Pleasantly long stay on Madeline this trip. Ten nights in nothing to sneeze at especially considering I don't think I've stayed more than six nights before. Always great to spend much needed  time with Dale and to have visits from Fran and Charlie and also Brenda and Irv. 

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 10: Deepwater Grill

Sunday, July 9, 2017

We took advantage of Dale having the day off to go to Ashland to pick up lunch and some grocery staples to get him through the next couple weeks.  We had lunch at the Deepwater Grille on Main Street. 

Also stopped in Bayfield to get me a latte at Big Water Coffee Roasters. 

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 10: Morning Walk

Sunday, July 9, 2017
Dale gets a day off today! Above photo taken on morning walk with Athena at the end of Nebraska Row, looking toward the mainland.

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 9: Cigar Time

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Extra busy day for Dale work-wise. Cigar time for me.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 8: Moonlight Walk

Friday, July 7, 2017

Dale and I took Athena out for a quick moonlight walk before bed. Full moon tonight.

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 8: Dinner

Friday, July 7, 2017

Dale made sloppy joes for dinner. I helped by walking over to Island Grocery to pick up some broccoli. Island Grocery also sells the best brownies. I picked a couple up which we had for dessert with some leftover caramel collision ice cream that Fran and Charlie had brought during their visit.  We watched Twin Cities public affairs programming on t.v. I know, we're exciting.

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 8: Athena

Friday, July 7, 2017

Athena looking out the window that looks out on to Dale's deck. She's quite content on Madeline Island. She loves to relax but she also loves going on walks where she finds new smells she doesn't encounter back in the city. 

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 8: Cigar Time

Friday, July 7, 2017

Had time this afternoon for a cigar on the deck which I finished before Dale returned from work.

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 8: Farmhouse

Friday, July 7, 2017

Brenda and Irv took Dale and me to breakfast at The Farmhouse (the former Ella's). We all ordered the Farmer's Breakfast which doesn't disappoint.  When you order at the counter they give you a cute plastic animal to help them identify your table when they deliver their food. 
It was great to have Brenda and Irv up for a visit. Sadly, they had to leave right after breakfast. They made the long trip up here from Colorado over the course of a number of days and stopped along the way. That's the way I like to take a road trip. It makes it so much more manageable and humane with no more than 6 hours in the car. 

Monday, July 17, 2017

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 7: Sunset

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Beautiful sunset walk with Dale and Athena.

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 7: The Pub

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Dinner at The Pub tonight with Brenda and Irv. So nice to spend time with them on Madeline. I don't think they've been up since 2004 and I'm so glad they were able to make it this year.

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 7: Madeline Island Bakery

Thursday, July 6, 2017
Today I had a chance to check out Madeline Island Bakery for the first time ever. When I stopped in the gal who runs it  was  frosting a cake for an order that had been due earlier. She had gotten behind  because of being swamped around the noon hour. Most restaurants were closed down because of the power outage. She and Marie at Mission Hill Coffee for some reason were the only food places that still had power and got unexpectedly busy trying to meet people's lunch needs. She of course had time to sell me a seven layer bar which was, as a matter of fact, delicious.

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 7: Woods Hall

Thursday, July 7, 2017
Took a little walk on my own after our drive. Checked out Woods Hall for the first time in all the years I've been coming up here. Great place with very nice handmade goods for sale. Their showroom went through a recent remodel and it looks fantastic. 

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 7: Drive

Thursday, July 6, 2017

After work, Dale took Brenda, Irv, and me on a nice drive from the southern tip of the Island (which I don't think I've been to since 2002!) all the way up to the northern tip. I think Brenda and Irv really loved it.

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 7: Windy

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Quiet morning and quiet afternoon although the morning had a little rain and a LOT of heavy wind. Dale was afraid it would blow power lines down and knock out power. Thankfully, although our lights flickered a few times, the power didn't go out. However, power was out sporadically across the Island. Many businesses were closed although most were up and running again by late afternoon. 

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 6: Winding Down the Day

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

For dinner we grilled brats along with mixed vegetables and also had potato salad. Dale and I took another sunset walk with Athena just before bed.

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 6: Cocktail Hour

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

When Dale returned home we all had cocktail hour out on the deck but were eventually driven inside when the sun cleared the roof. My favorite time to sit out on Dale's deck is between 2 and 5 p.m.  At two, on a nice day, it's pleasantly warm outside but the deck is still under the roof's shadow. Around 5 o'clock though the sun begins to clear the roof and it starts getting HOT! We were a funny lot because as the sun started to peek over the roof we all kept inching closer and closer to the wall until there was absolutely NO shade left. Believe me, you will COOK in the direct sunlight!

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 6: Madeline Island Candles

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

After lunch we did a little shopping so Brenda could find a gift for a friend. We ended up at Madeline Island Candles where she decided on a charming candle holder. 

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 6: Brenda and Irv Arrive

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Brenda and Irv arrived this morning and it's so wonderful to have them here. Dale had to work this morning but he stopped over around noon to say hello. After he went back to work, Brenda and Irv took me to lunch at the Beach Club. We had a booth in the back that overlooked the lake and had some time to catch up. So good to see them!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 5: July 4th Sunset

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Sunset. Can't believe another 4th of July has come and gone. 

Island 2017 - 2nd Trip Day 5: 4th of July Parade

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Dale and I walked down to see the parade around noon. Otherwise spent the day relaxing and getting the apartment ready for a visit from Dale's parents tomorrow. 
Grand Marshalls
Madeline Island Chamber Music