Monday, June 26, 2017

Island 2017 - Day 2: A Trip to Ashland

Tuesday June 20, 2017

Longest day of the year today in terms of daylight although I have to say that for a 24 hour period it all went by quite quickly.

I got in the car and was on the ferry to the mainland around 11:00 a.m. Upon arrival in Bayfield I stopped at Big Water Coffee and got a latte and a molasses cookie. I then stopped in at Roxanne's, Sweet Sailing, and the Swedish store.  
Big fish on Lake Shore Drive in Ashland.

Next I hightailed it to Ashland to pick up my meds. Walgreens was able to do a partial refill to cover me for a few days. I also picked up some toiletries while there. Then I was off to Walmart where I picked up a pair of jeans, shorts, a couple shirts, socks, and underwear to get me through until I head back to Mpls.  Finally, I stopped at Dale's landlord's vet who was willing to do a refill of Athena's meds upon receiving the prescription from our vet. They had it all ready for me.

While on my return trip to Bayfield I stopped at the Steak Pit in Washburn to see if I might get an Old Fashioned cocktail. There was only a white pickup parked outside. As I pulled up to the door I noticed their sign said they didn't open until 4 p.m.  Being only 2:30 I deemed it way too long to wait. I mentioned the Steak Pit to Dale later in the evening and he said he had heard that it had closed for good.  I groaned my disappointment but recognized we had at least had one chance to experience an old school Wisconsin supper club in all its glory.

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