Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Island 2017 - 1st Trip Day 4: Departure

Thursday, June 23, 2017

It's always hard to leave Dale behind. However, I need to be home tomorrow for a meeting so go I must. Athena and I made the 12:30 ferry and just as we turned onto Highway 63 outside of Hayward I noticed my back and buns were starting to get really hot. I had no idea our car had seat warmers and figured I must have inadvertently hit a switch while messing with the CD player. I tried every button on the dashboard that didn't have an obvious reason for being there but nothing seemed to help alleviate the problem. I opened the car windows as I continued to search for the hot seat controls. Suddenly, just a I was breaking into a sweat, I noticed things were cooling down.  I drove for a few miles in semi-uncomfortable warmth. Finally, as I completely cooled off and sweat was no longer dripping down my lower back, I figured the problem was solved. I was thankful I didn't have to pull over to look through the owner's manual to figure out what was going.  Three more hours of driving in an uncomfortably hot seat would have been unbearable! After driving along for a few more miles I sensed Athena, who was sitting next to me in the front passenger seat, shuffle and I heard a click. The seat started to warm up again. I looked over and saw a lighted button peeking out from under her front paw. Problem solved!

After Athena moved her paw, I realized I'd seen the hot seat buttons before. I just never questions their purpose.

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