Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bayfield Flower

Photographed this in Bayfield. Not sure what kind of flower it is but, whatever it is, it's beautiful.

Photo taken July 2014

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Island 2014 - Garden Gnome

Garden Gnome near Island Carvers.
June 2014

Island 2014 - Adirondack Chairs

Adirondack Chairs on Main Street
June and July 2014

Island 2014 - Watch For Animals

This season I saw deer (not uncommon), fox (a bit less common), loon (have maybe seen them once or twice up here), and a blue jay (don't recall having seen one on the Island before).

Island 2014 - Smokey the Bear

I've still never seen a bear on the Island although Dale says he has on more than one occasion. Maybe Smokey the Bear is as close as I'll get. This image is from a sign close to the ferry landing.

Island 2014 - Speed Limit

Speed Limit 20
June 2014

Island 2014 - Colonel Woods Avenue

Colonel Woods Avenue
June 2014

Island 2014 - Route

July 2014

Island 2014 - Dead End

Dead End
July 2014

Island 2014 - Island Queen

Island Queen
June 2014

Island 2014 - On Lake Time

On Lake Time
June 2014

Island 2014 - County H

County H
June 2014

Friday, July 11, 2014

Island 2014 - Library Street

Library Street
July 2014

Island 2014 - Nebraska Row

House on Nebraska Row
July 2014

Island 2014 - Lori's

Lori's Grocery Store
July 2014

Island 2014 - Main Street

Main Street
June 2014

Island 2014 - Waste Disposal

Waste Disposal
June 2014

Island 2014 - Bike Rack

Bike Rack
June 2014

Island 2014 - Snails

Lesueur Street
July 2014

Island 2014 - Roadside Lupines

Lupines on Madeline Island
July 2014

Island 2014 - Lupines

Roadside Lupines on Madeline Island
July 2014

Island 2014 - Flower

Flower Growing by the Lake Near The Pub
July 2014

Island 2014 - Colonel Woods Avenue

Flowers on Colonel Woods Avenue
June 2014

Island 2014 - Bell Street Gallery

Bell Street Gallery
June 2014

Island 2014 - Post Office

Post Office
June 2014

Island 2014 - The Beach Club

The Beach Club. Photo taken from Grandpa Tony's deck.
July 4, 2014

Island 2014 - Hood Ornaments

July 2014

Island 2014 - Blue Tractor on Mondamin Trail

July 2014

Island 2014 - Clown Car on Library Street

July 4, 2014

Island 2014 - Trucks

June 2014

Island 2014 - Marina

July 2014

Island 2014: Second Trip - Dinner Time

Monday, July 7, 2014

Dinner on my own tonight. Where else but The Pub.