Friday, July 29, 2022

Madeline Island 2022 - Got In a Lot of Great Stuff Today

Friday, July 29, 2022

Slept pretty deeply last night. Coffee on the porch with Dale. 

Worked a lot on genealogy stuff while Dale went to work. 

Susan and Bruce are having us over for dinner at their place tonight so we decided to pick up some wine at Lori's. Turns out they're closed for a few days due to some staffing issues which continues to be a problem in the post-lockdown world. Dale says it's too bad as Lori's has been better stocked than the Island Store this season. 

Anyway we went to the Island Store (which was pretty busy due to Lori's being closed) and picked up some wine. 

We also went to the candle store to pick up some gifts for Mom and Warren who are watching Sylvester back home. 

After dropping our purchases off at the car we went to the Beach Club for lunch. We both got fish sandwiches. Dale got grilled white fish for his and I got fried trout for mine. So delicious. Oh, and I got an old fashioned too. 

After lunch we stopped at Mission Hill Coffee to get some of Marie's most marvelous blueberry muffins. So delicious. 

After we got home we decided to take a walk on the Capser Trail. Dale's only been walking it for the past couple years although he's been aware of it for longer. This was my first time. We both found ourselves asking why we hadn't taken advantage of it sooner. 

To walk it is about a two mile round trip. 

It's one thing to be walking or driving "in" the woods on a wide highway but it's another to walk through on a narrow path and be completely surrounded by the forest. 

It was so incredibly beautiful. 

There's a turn-off on the trail where you can access a boardwalk that goes through a marsh.

Again, just beautiful.

This sign tells the story of the massive beaver dams that used to be there.

On the return trip to the car we ran into a couple of Islanders sitting on a bench and said hello. They asked if we had seen the little mini village of castles that someone is mysteriously building. We informed them we hadn't so they told us where the turn-off for it is in the path at the other end of the trail. We told them we'd be sure to look for it next time. 

Dinner tonight at Susan and Bruce's. Dale's been to their place before but it was the first time for me. It's beautiful and the view from their deck is incredible. 

Dale and Susan had a chance to catch up on some work related stuff. Susan and Bruce were very curious to know how my school year ended up. I told them how hard the extended year due to the strike was on teachers, families, and students. Their interest and concern were touching. 

Anyway, it had been a work day for Susan and she had worked until five when she threw together a whitefish and lettuce salad which was absolutely DIVINE. It was so delicious and what made it even more impressive is that we arrived at 6:00 and that she improvised and made up the recipe as she went along. 

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