Sunday, August 23, 2020

Madeline Island 2020 - Getting Ready to Go

Monday, August 17, 2020
Due to camp being cancelled this year I have not visited Dale on Madeline Island in June and July. However, he has to check on some buildings so we're making a trip up. On the way we're going to stop by and visit our friends Maggie and Cindi at their cabin near Bruce, Wisconsin. 

Dale wrote the following in his blog yesterday: “And in what would in a normal year be almost not worth mentioning, tomorrow Joe and I are headed to a friend’s cabin about two hours east of the Twin Cities in Wisconsin, then up to Lake Superior for some business meetings I have mid-week. I figured out today that the last time I didn’t sleep in my own bed was October of last year. I don’t think I’ve been home this long without a break since maybe, well, ever in my life. Gee thanks global pandemic! Still, I’m feeling pretty grateful for the most mundane of getaways!” 

For me it’s been since this past November that I’ve been out of town when Mom and I went to visit my brother Pete and his family in Virginia for Thanksgiving. During a normal summer I would’ve been out of town three or four times at this point to visit Dale on Madeline Island but due to Covid that didn’t happen this year. In the top photo Athena and I are getting back to our house from a walk just before leaving on our trip. She’s stopped because she’s just noticed Dale doing some last minute texting before our departure. In the bottom picture she’s seen waiting patiently in the yard to board the van we’ve rented for the trip.

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