Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Madeline 2013 - Bears

Athena and I are looking forward to seeing Dale on the Island soon. He recently made this post on his blog.

"Looking on the bright side"

"I may complain about being on this little island sometimes, but there are other times when it's pretty cool. I just got back from a 20 mile bike ride to the north end of the island. When I left the south end (where I live), it was 62 degrees and sunny. When I got to the north end 35 minutes later, a huge fog bank rolled in from the lake and the temperature dropped to 42 degrees. I was not dressed appropriately, but even though I was cold. I really kind of like that big change in weather within just a few miles."

"The past three days I've been running in the morning before 6:00. I have not seen one person during those runs. I've seen deer. I've seen fox. I've caught a glimpse of a bear. And even though I'm not a birder, I can't help but notice the huge variety of birds and birdsong during those runs."

Photo Roxanne's Bear taken July 14, 2012  in Bayfield, Wisconsin by Joseph David

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