Sunday, May 13, 2012

Beach Club 2012

Dale took this photo of the Beach Club from the ferry on his most recent trip pre-season trip to the Island (see previous post). He said the weather was gorgeous; pleasant and a little warmer than usual for this time of year. He particularly likes it in May and early June because it's so quiet and not overrun with tourists. Here's a recent post from his blog:

"This weekend I had to go to Madeline Island, Wisconsin for work. Madeline Island is where I live six weeks in June and July. It's quite a lovely place, especially this early in the season. By the Fourth of July, given my druthers, I would roll in broken glass than have to be around the swarming hordes who descend on the island to celebrate and pretend the rules of the road/behavior/public drunkeness don't apply to them because, you know, they're on an island. But I am getting ahead of myself. This weekend was glorious - 70 degrees, bright sun, a gentle breeze. In fact, the only thing you could hear was the breeze in the trees, birds and water. It was magical."

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